Crystal River Chiropractor : Dr. Anthony Oliverio
“I was desperate, but my entire family thought I was nuts and they were total skeptics…”

Dr. Anthony Oliverio
It was my senior year in high school, I was preparing for state finals, when I hurt my back in a wrestling practice. I went to the doctor, he gave me medicine that didn’t work, it only seemed to make the pain tolerable, and therapy didn’t help either. I was so disappointed! After two months, I was desperate for help. A friend of my mom, recommended that they take me to her chiropractor. I wanted to go, but my folks were skeptics and dead set against it. After much pleading, they took me to the chiropractor where he took back x-rays and adjusted my spine. After a few short visits, I was pain free! It intrigued me and appealed to me because this chiropractor helped me when no one else could. This is how I started on my journey to becoming a chiropractic physician. I was also intrigued as to why my medical doctor or therapist didn’t tell me to go. I began researching and found this was a great field of health to assist the body in healing, without surgery. I started my quest for learning about the human body, it’s function, and the influence of chiropractic adjustments on overall health.
A Chiropractic Education
School was a challenge for me. I had difficulty with certain classes, especially memorizing so much information. It was overwhelming and tough, but I continued to persist in my studies. Working while going to school made it even more difficult. Most patient’s don’t know this, but much like a medical degree, it takes nearly eight years of schooling to obtain a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. I was blessed enough to have study partners and a great group of friends to encourage and support each other through the tough classes like neuroanatomy!
My Philosophy
I believe in practicing with integrity. I recommend what a patient needs for their recovery as a result of old or new injuries. I do not continue treatment without satisfactory patient improvement. If I cannot help, or treatment is unsatisfactory, I tell you. A referral is made to a specialist whom I think can help. Advanced diagnostic testing such as MRI study is also recommended when clinically necessary. I try to treat the body as a whole, not just a joint or bone problem, rather an entire unit. Many patients come for treatment and do not want their neck “cracked” or manipulated. That’s fine with me, I respect the patient’s input and concerns for their care. This is why I use numerous adjusting techniques to assist the body in healing. We have a computerized instrument called PulStar, which scans the spine and adjusts using multiple impulse therapy. No cracking needed and the results are incredible! I love helping people and I have the best job ever.
On a Personal Note…
Originally from Michigan and having previously practiced in Toledo, Ohio for five years, I moved to Citrus County in 1998. The sunshine is great and I personally enjoy wood working, house projects, golfing, fishing or being out on the water and outdoors, although I don’t get out as much as I’d like. I also love spending time with family as they are an important part of my life.
Quite honestly, I don’t do all the right things I should from a healthcare provider standpoint. My diet is not as healthy as I’d like it. All too often life gets in the way. The things that I do, and believe are very important, are: striving to drink plenty of water, (not coffee, tea, juice, soda, etc., just water!) exercise and stretching, getting plenty of rest, taking vitamins and minerals, and finding an outlet for stress. I have not given up and I continue to strive to improve my eating habits daily. More recently I find myself with a desire for study of scripture to seek God in all things and know Him on a personal level, not to just know about Him. There is much reward in helping others and I’m luckey to have a profession where work is not really work. I like working with people and enjoy my time in the office.
What Can We Do For You?
Enough about me! Most patients who come to my office are because of desperation. They have been everywhere else and no one can help. So I know through experience that you may be skeptical or even afraid of chiropractic. Please keep an open mind. You may have heard negative rumors, stories or your medical doctor told you not to go. I’m asking you to move outside of your comfort zone and overcome fears and come see what we’re all about. You’ll be glad you did! Aren’t you tired of taking all the pain meds and arthritis meds and coping with pain?
Don’t wait until the time desperation strikes. I believe I can help you. Most of my patients’ say that they wish they had come years ago and don’t know what they were worried about. I look forward to meeting you and learning how we can be of service to you. Give my office a call or e-mail me at the link above and let’s arrange a time to explore your options.